«A man has two main resources of receiving energy for cultivation right thoughts, committing moral actions and presence in an inspired and soulful state – spiritual practice (meditation, prayer) and right communication, where the second one is a main resource for the most of people and defines their vector of movement»
If you want to:
Combine the pleasant with the useful
Spend the vacation with your family and close people near the sea in a relaxed atmosphere and talk about your health and healthy nutrition
Make your family meet Stanislav and discuss with him not only important health issues, but a lot of different things too
Understand why does your business make you less happy every year and give you more and more ‘examinations’ with partners and staff, which makes your psycho-emotional state more and more unstable
Understand the reason of your family difficulties and have recommendations about how to harmonize it
The program includes:
This trip gives you a great opportunity to discuss with Stanislav every question of all the stages:
Healthy nutrition
Which sport is better to choose according to the person’s constitution
What is the mental health?!
How to use the deepest and greatest principles of Eastern psychology in family and business
Stages of spiritual formation in society and family, building a family with the deepest spiritual principles
For more information about schedule contact Stanislav via What’s App (+79661232505) and you will get a file with a schedule
diagnosis of physical, mental and energy conditions
recommendations about nutrition, physical activities, breathing exercises and mental work, considering individual constitution
sincere communication :)