Food is closely related to our nervous system. It affects our sleep, mood, condition, thoughts and, as a result, actions.
Underestimating a balanced and conscious nutrition is the same as voluntarily shortening your body's lifespan.
What are your relationships with your body?
How much are you satisfied with your skin and health?
When was the last time you did a fast day?
This course will give you an understanding of the basics of rational nutrition, taking into account the individual constitution and deviations in health (if there are any).
This nutritional selection system has nothing to do with modern concepts of dietetics, where psychological clamps are formed in people because of serious dietary restrictions.
This system is the construction of your individual diet, which explains the importance of eating certain foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner, providing an improvement in appearance and psycho-emotional state.
Also, this system adjusts the underlying processes related with the proper hormone output.
Отзыв о прохождении 3-ёх недельной программы "Здоровое питание" под опекой Станислава Баларама
for family
The program includes:
Basic consultation in order to identify the request;
Diagnosis of physical condition;
Nutrition program according to the person’s constitution;
One week menu planning, taking into account the individual constitution and deviations in health (if there are any);
Individual food intake in writing form and additional materials about Ayurveda;
Recommendations about physical activity, daily routine and breathing exercises, taking into account the individual constitution and deviations in health (if there are any);
Maintenance of a person for the period of 3 weeks with daily photo reports of each meal (via Whatsapp), as well as a discussion of all emerging issues throughout this period;
The second consultation after the end of the program in order to summarize the past period and obtain recommendations for future practices.